Western Star North Marketing Hub

Marketing Tools, Resources & Strategies for the WSNorth Team!

What is this Marketing Resource Page For?

Easy Access to Content & Guidelines for Capturing Content

To make it easy to access strategies that are shared, cohesive, and standardized – this resource provides a quick-reference portal for our team to utilize. If you need some coaching for how to capture marketing content (testimonials, video/photos at events), or where to download marketing sheets to send to customers, this page will help guide you.

Branding Styleguide & Logos

Marketing Brochures & Handouts

Download DESKTOP version for desktop printing + emailing to customers
Download PRINT-READY version for sending to Professional Printer

Collecting Testimonials

Options to Collect Customer Testimonials

Why Capture Testimonials?

Reviews from customers is an opportunity to increase local SEO (favour by Google) and online reputation. Online testimonials (eg. Google) are extra valuable because they are “Social Proof” from real customers using their own online identities (third-party), building stronger, authenticated credibility. With submitted testimonials, we can use them in our own marketing content (social media, website, ads, etc).

At the conclusion of a sale or service interaction, using a script can make it easy to prompt a request for testimonial.

How to Use Scripts:

You can copy-and-paste a scripted request into an email, or roughly memorize a variation to present during a verbal conversation. It’s a simple request to leave a review, in which you can help direct them to our Google listing (via Google search), or to our prepared Testimonial resource page:  https://www.wsnorth.com/share-testimonial/

Where the Testimonials Will Go?

We want to build a page of testimonials here, where case studies and reviews can be captured to promote our relationship with customers, and establish credibility.

Example Scripts

These can be modified, per individual discretion, to match the delivery-style of your personal tone and your relationship with your customer. 

Script 1: Example of Emailed Script

“If you had a positive experience with Western Star North, would take a minute to leave a review? It’ll help us reach other customers and let them know about our business. Just go to https://www.wsnorth.com/share-testimonial/.”

Script 2: Example of a Verbal Interaction

“Were you happy with the service we provided today? That’s great! If you have a minute, would you mind leaving a quick review on Google for us? It would really help our business and other customers to find us.”

Capturing Video & Photo Content

Opportunities to Capture Content at Events is Important for Marketing

Why Capture Content at Western Star?

Content marketing is becoming a must-have component of effective, modern marketing efforts. This style of marketing depends on an influx of meaningful, organic content that is easy to generate from within company culture.

This type of content might include:

  • Events: When you are hosting an event that you’ve put effort into organizing it – it should be captured! Customer events, staff BBQs, Sales events, etc.
  • New Model Arrivals: if you have new models rolling into the facility, capture it!
  • Rigged Up Trucks: if you’ve finished rigging up a truck, do a walk-around and capture the results!
  • For Sale Trucks: have a new truck for sale on the lot? Capture it!
  • Service shots: Have some interesting trucks in the shop being worked on? Capture it!
  • Customer Photos: Have a customer who’s had a great experience with you? Take a photo of the sales person with the customer, or of the customer with their truck! Disclose to the customer you might use it on Social media or on the website.

A Designated Photographer/Videographer

Don’t leave it to chance. If there is an event happening, assign the role to an individual to run around with a camera. Cellphone camera capture can do the trick, if that’s all that is available

Tips for Quality/Useful Content

  • Candid video / photography is okay. It doesn’t need to be super-professional as it can feel authentic. Try to keep a steady hand – and do your best!
  • Take lots of clips and snaps; don’t worry about too many – just get lots. Anything not useful can be discarded. But having options is wonderful.
  • When shooting video, don’t cut the clips too short. Stretch them out so it’s 20-30 seconds minimum. Clips can be edited down later, if needed.
  • Shoot landscape (horizontal) as much as possible. The only time portrait/vertical photos/video are useful is if you KNOW a capture will be posted to social media only. Landscape captures are much more useful on website, print formats, and video production (Youtube, etc).